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Professeur Associé

Dr. Eli Ben Tura, PhD

Visiting Professor

Dr. Eli Ben Tura hold a PhD (Doctorate) in Political Science, Haifa University (2007),M.A in Labor Studies, Tel Aviv University (1985),-B.A in Sociology and Labor Studies, Tel Aviv University (1982). In 2011 - Ambassador of the State of Israel to Senegal. From2007-2011 - Development Coordinator, International Organizations Division.Lecturer at Tel Aviv University and Beit Berl College (University) Topics of Interest: 'Participation (Engagement) of International organizations and NGOs (non-governmental organizations) in Conflict Resolution'. 'Migration and Development'. From 2001-2007, Deputy Director, International Organization Division at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Dr. Amos Baraness, PhD

Visiting Professor

Dr. Amos Baranes earned his PhD from the University of Chicago, and is also a Certified Public Accountant in the United States. He worked at PWC as a Senior Economist in the field of Transfer Pricing. At Lexecon Inc., Dr. Baranes developed the practice of Corporate and Asset Valuation. He also founded the company AVNAT Ltd., which provides business intelligence services to financial institutions.  He is also the author of the book: “Business Intelligence for Business”.  Recently, Dr. Baranes established Africa Industrial Business Center (AIBC), which provides consulting services on behalf of the World Bank in the fields of Business Intelligence and Training for Financial Institutions. Currently, he lectures in advanced courses in Entrepreneurship, Finance and Information Technology at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya, the University of Haifa, and Bar-Ilan University in Israel.


Prof. Carmela Lutmar, PhD

Visiting Professor

Prof. Carmela Lutmar has a BA in Political Science and Philosophy  from the University of Haifa, and MA in Peace Science from the University of Notre Dame  and a PhD in International Relations  from NYU- New York University. Prof. Carmela is Lecturer at University of Haifa and Lecturer at Princeton University, and New York University. Her  Research interests include leadership, mediation in civil wars, peace agreements design and implementation, compliance in international agreements, regime changes, and institutional design in the aftermath of military occupations.  Prof .Carmela Lutmar is a visiting Professor  at SCI Education USA University.

Pr. Miriam Estrada, PhD

Visiting Professor

Miriam Estrada-Castillo is a lawyer and currently an Assistant Professor within the Department of International Law and Human Rights at the University for Peace, as well as a Visiting Professor at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (Sweden) and the Lund University (Sweden) on topics of Gender and the Law and Children in Armed Conflict. She holds a Juris Doctor degree in International Human Rights Law from the University of Guayaquil (Ecuador). Previously, she has worked in different capacities for the United Nations. Her last position was as Senior Legal Officer in the United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED). Earlier, she worked at the Department of Peacekeeping Operations as International Prosecutor General in East-Timor. She is a former Expert and Vice-Chairperson of the Monitoring Committee of the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and a member of the group who drafted the CEDAW Optional Protocol. In Latin America, she has worked as Chief of Field of the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and as a Latin America Regional Adviser on Gender, Human Rights and Culture of Peace for UNESCO. Other positions include Visiting Professor at the Humanities Research Centre of the Australian National University, Minister of Social Affairs of Ecuador, and President of the Ecuadorian Court of Juvenile Justice of the country. Professor Estrada is the author of the Ecuadorian Law on Violence against Women and of the first Legislation for Minors and Family in Ecuador. She has written and published several books in Spanish related to Human Rights, Family Law, Women's and Children Rights, and Political and Social Issues.