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Education Beyond Education which creates Entrepreneurs, Managers & CEOs Worldwide!

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Business Model Design

Course Description

The starting point for any good course, or workshop on business model design should be a shared understanding of what a business model actually is. We need a business model concept that everybody understands: one that facilitates description and discussion. We need to start from the same point and talk about the same thing. The challenge is that the concept must be simple, relevant, and intuitively understandable, while not over simplifying the complexities of how enterprises function.

In this course  we offer  a concept that allows you to describe and think through the business model of your organization, your competitors, or any other enterprise. This concept has been applied and tested around the world and is already used in organizations such as IBM, Ericsson, Deloitte, the Public Works and Government Services of Canada, and many more.

Course Objectives

This Course aims to teach student :

- the structure of the Business Model

- how to Design a Business Model for their Business or start Up



Rating: :

Type : Online

Duration : 2 Webinars

Language : English

Exam Type : Online Proctor Exam

Certificate of Completion : Not Available

Status : Not Available